It happened one night about 35 years ago at an ephemera show in Boston, Massachusetts – a few minutes of my life that I haven’t forgotten. It’s one of those unremarkable yet unexplainably vivid memories that stays with you until you, too, become a memory.
I was searching for something at the show that was searching for me. I didn’t know what it was; I just knew that when I found it, I would know. The words would reach out and touch me in a way that told me they were from a life that was reaching out through decades or centuries, waiting for me to recognize them for the precious treasure they were – the only remaining words of a life that was at the brink of being forgotten forever.
In a quietly dark album stored behind the brilliant flashes of colorful advertising trade cards and shouting broadsides, was a small, old letter written in fading sepia ink, to the point that you instinctively blinked and squinted to have any chance of reading the faint writing. Despite the difficulties, the story shared itself – a century and a half past the life that had lived it.
It was the letter of a sick woman, desperate for health but with wavering faith that it would ever return to her. Lots of research later gave form to the correspondent: Her name was Mercy Quimby, age 54 and apparently too sick to write the letter herself; her 17-year-old daughter, Eliza, scribed for her mother. The well-intentioned teenager struggled with spelling and punctuation but at least had good penmanship.
“I have been to see a Clairvoyant Physician and Spiritual Medium Mrs Morrill(.) I will send you her card.” And there it was – a porcelain card, still escorting the letter after all those years, foxed with the deterioration and imperfections that come to paper with age – its own form of liver spots:

Clairvoyant Physician, and Spiritual Medium,
will examine and prescribe for the sick, at the following
First examination and prescription when the person to
be examined is present, $1.00, when absent, $2.00.
Well done. Interesting and personal read.